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Device Advice
2025-02-20 09:30:002025-02-20 11:30:00America/ChicagoDevice AdviceGet help with common tech issues like Microsoft Office, using a tablet, hotspots, syncing email with your phone, downloading content, and more. Drop in for personalized assistance at your library.Rakow Branch - Rakow - Computer Cafe
Thursday, February 20 9:30am - 11:30am
Add to Calendar2025-02-20 09:30:002025-02-20 11:30:00America/ChicagoDevice AdviceGet help with common tech issues like Microsoft Office, using a tablet, hotspots, syncing email with your phone, downloading content, and more. Drop in for personalized assistance at your library.Rakow Branch - Rakow - Computer Cafe
Get help with common tech issues like Microsoft Office, using a tablet, hotspots, syncing email with your phone, downloading content, and more. Drop in for personalized assistance at your library.
Teens in grades 7-12 are invited to volunteer at the library. Teen volunteers participate in a diverse range of services that enhance the library experience, making it a welcoming place for everyone.
Learn about the basic features and functions of your smartphone’s camera and editing features. Android and iPhone welcome. Must bring your own device. Sponsored by Comcast.
Come sew with fellow Singer Featherweight machine users, make new friends, learn new tips and tricks. Please bring your own machine and supplies.
Ideas & suggestions offered
Registration Recommended
Teens in grades 7-12 are invited to volunteer at the library. Teen volunteers participate in a diverse range of services that enhance the library experience, making it a welcoming place for everyone.
The Contemporary Book Group meets monthly to discuss current, interesting books in assorted genres. Meetings are held the third Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the Grove Room at the Main Library.
New to computers or need a refresher on how to get started? Learn how to use the mouse and keyboard, pick up basic computer skills and browse the internet in this series. Sponsored by Comcast.
We are thrilled to offer a kid's book club! This program is a 4-week series that combines reading, critical thinking, and hands-on activities to enrich the experience.
Participantes de nivel intermedio, practican conversaciones en inglés, adquieren confianza y mejoran su pronunciación. El grupo es liderado por un tutor de Literacy Connection.
Favor registrarse
Climate-aware therapist Marilee Feldman will discuss the symptoms of climate anxiety and ecological distress, and outline a pathway to climate resilience.
Please register for Zoom link.