Jessica Mino of The Conservation Foundation will contrast the effects of rain hitting lawn versus natural habitats like woodlands and prairies. Please register for link to Zoom.
Learn ways to make our own yards healthier – not only for us and our favorite birds, bees and butterflies – but for our watersheds.
Why focus on the watershed?
Just as all parts of our body share the bloodstream -- that essential, circulating flow -- our lands share waterways, which also circulate life-sustaining fluid -- water. Learning about watersheds can help us understand what to do on our own land to help take the pressure off the precious waterways who benefit us in ways we may not appreciate.
Why you?
Because you – and I – are part of Life, part of the natural world, even if we don’t think of ourselves that way. Learning about nature's circulatory system, and its essential role, helps us connect with Earth’s systems that sustain Life.
Presented in partnership with Wild Ones Greater Kane County
Programs presented virtually through FB, Zoom, YouTube, and other online sources.