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Bilingual Small Business Workshop
2023-10-24 16:00:002023-10-24 18:00:00America/ChicagoBilingual Small Business WorkshopList of participating speakers and topics coming soon.Main Library -
Tuesday, October 24 4:00pm - 6:00pm
Add to Calendar2023-10-24 16:00:002023-10-24 18:00:00America/ChicagoBilingual Small Business WorkshopList of participating speakers and topics coming soon.Main Library -
Is your computer, tablet, or smartphone running slow? Concerned about proper care for your devices? Learn tips and tricks for keeping your devices up to date and running smoothly.
Music Director Chad Goodman & ESO Violinist Robbie Herbst will lead discussions about upcoming ESO concerts, repertoire, guest artists, special events and other Symphony-related topics.
Aprende en la biblioteca. Participa con otras personas que hablan español o inglés como primer idioma. Learn at the Library with native English and Spanish speakers.
Main Library - Adult Programs - Zoom,Conference Room
Herzlich willkommen! Practice or improve your conversation skills with other German speakers. Barbara Laane will be facilitating the conversation with different relevant themes.
Get help with common tech issues like Microsoft Office, using a tablet, hotspots, syncing email with your phone, downloading content, and more. Drop in for personalized assistance at your library.
Have a legal question? Walk in for a free, 15-minute consultation! In partnership with Kane County Law Library & Self Help Legal Center. Registration not required. Ayuda legal disponible en español.
IL traveler John Kokoris will share secrets to a successful visit to the Shawnee National Forest, including landmarks, trails, lodging, food and a bit of the region's fascinating history.